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Don't quit !!!  .....copied ... after his ministry exploded on air waves, a storm arose & he was criticised heavily for his TV app earances. He became angry,discouraged & ready to sink into depression. Just before his "last breath", a lonely counsel came from a woman, who could hardly whisper her own name. She has been in the hospital for a while, bedridden, suffer ing from a rare medical condition that led to the loss of her unborn babies. She told him, bishop "its for us and not for them" the frail woman made him realised that she was saved from giving up the ghost because I listened to you on TV. Did TD Jakes quit? Yes he did! but this time around, he did QUIT from QUITTING. The adversary is attracted to your new status and like they say"new level new devil" the size of your enemy reveals the size of your reward. Where your enemies will take you to, your friends can't. Only Goliath could give David instant breakthrough. Today B...
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