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Tayo Onaleye, Nation Builder and Wealth Creation Agent |
Tayo Onaleye
John 19.25 Now there stood by the cross of Jesus his mother, and his mother's sister, Mary the wife of Cleophas, and Mary Magdalene
Three young men were publicly and shamefully executed. Two of them were confirmed robbers. The third, the one in the middle wasn't really a criminal but he was being executed in a shameful manner.
Nobody wanted to associate with such ignominious death.
His mother, two other women and a disciple stood by him.
They stood by His cross.
Oh! How comforting, encouraging and reassuring that would have been for Jesus! His mother stood by Him! Two other women stood by Him. One of His disciples stood by Him.
Life is challenging.
People are going through things.
People are fighting multiple battles on many fronts.
People are carrying heavy crosses.
Some are being crucified live by situations and circumstances.
The challenges of life are hanging people on painful crosses.
Let us stand by people.
Let's pray for them.
Let's offer words of hope.
The world is full of critics who derive joy from throwing verbal and mental stones at others and seeing them hurt.
Don't be a part of the critical crew.
Be an encourager.
Offer hope.
Offer succor.
Offer comfort.
When men are cast down be the one to say that there's a lifting up.
Let your words be seasoned with grace and not peppered with vinegar.
Stand by people.
Jesus blessed thousands of people with His life but only four stood by Him.
Not everyone will stand by you. Some will betray you. Some will stab you in the back. Some others will abandon you.
Don't despair if those you have blessed abandon you when you're going through challenges.
So was it with the Master.
Celebrate the few who are standing by you despite your cross.
Four people stood by the cross of Jesus.
Two of them were family: His mother and aunt
The two others were people He had personally impacted.
When the chips are down.....family is all you've really got.
The crowds will go.
It is family that'll remain
Treat your family well today.
They are the ones that would be there for you on your cross tomorrow.
Make your life count by impacting people positively today.
The Mary Magdalene and disciple John you bless today are the ones that will stand by your cross tomorrow.
Don't abandon people in their day of trouble.
Remember those who have blessed you and stand by them when they're passing through challenges.
Let us stand by people.
Let us not only pray for them but practically identify with and stand by them.
Let us stand by people.
It is well.
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